Repairing & Unlocking Potential

We are specialists in heritage, accredited for working with historic buildings, conservation areas and world heritage sites.

We can read and understand what is special about your historic building and its setting. They have so many fascinating stories to tell – and so many to come, yet untold. We’ll repair and unlock your building’s potential, to enhance its significance and the experience of all. All in an informed, creative, viable and sustainable manner that is bespoke to you.

Why Work With Us

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Our Services

We provide conservation accredited repairs to historic buildings and interventions such as extensions with in historic settings. As historic building consultant, we offer advice independently to our clients, or steer your project's architect and design team to successfully negotiate working with a listed building.

Conservation Repairs

Specialist techniques and knowledge of traditional materials such as lime mortars, plasters, stone, brick and oak framing are used to conserve your historic building.

Heritage Statements

We'll research and define historical significance, then assess the impact of your proposals and provide justification with the legislation and the National Planning Policy Framework.

New Interventions

Designing with contemporary flair in a contextual manner, bespoke to your needs, in a way that is sensitive and appropriate to your listed building and its conservation area .

Condition Surveys

The basis of most projects, this to inform repair requirements, including quinquennial surveys for churches. We consult with specialist quantity surveyors to cost and prioritise repairs over the short, medium and long term. Combine this service with maintenance planning and a retrofit assessment.

Feasibility Studies & Retrofit Assessments

Finding economically viable and sustainable new approaches for your historic building. We'll help you develop your vision appraising the architectural options and work in collaboration with specialists such as community consultation and business planners.

Building Recording

Carried out to Historic England's Level 1, 2, 3 or 4 standard, our recording is informed by understanding of architectural and social history, an investigative eye, then presented with clear exquisite architectural photography that captures detail, character and atmosphere.

Meet Simon

Director & Accredited Architect at Cymes Conservation

Cymes Conservation is led by Simon Revill, an AABC conservation accredited architect and historic building consultant.

In a career spanning over 20 years, Simon’s work has been recognised by numerous awards, past IHBC Yorkshire Branch Chair and currently recognised by the Diocese of Derby. His work has been considered exemplary by English Heritage and showcased as best practice to Chester & Cheshire West conservation department.

Simon’s work has also been featured in a range of publications, including illustrations for by Historic England’s authoritative guidance and publications; such as: the respected Practical Building Conservation series and Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings.

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